Zoo closed Feb. 20

How you can help

Support your Zoo

You can make a difference

Donations to the Toledo Zoo help to preserve and protect one of the area’s greatest assets for future generations to enjoy. Support from members and donors directly impacts the care of our 16,000+ animal collection, helps us to employ passionate, talented staff and supports our efforts to conserve the natural world.


Capital Campaign

The Toledo Zoo is a leader locally and internationally in many animal and animal habitat conservation programs. Our robust education programs benefit thousands of guests, students, and teachers each year.  Our exhibits, native wildflower gardens and historic WPA buildings provide a setting that delights more than one million annual visitors to better appreciate wildlife, our fragile environment and the world we all share. Whether you visit in person, follow us on social media, or simply engage through our website, we know that you will be inspired to join us in making a difference. Your gift to the Zoo makes all our successes possible.  Make a donation today and make an impact that will last for years to come.

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Fundraising Events

Toledo Zoo development events are designed with guest experience top of mind. These fundraising events and experiences help raise awareness for the mission while providing essential funds for a variety of programs at the Zoo!

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Businesses today are being held to higher standards to be a good partner with their community. With goals ranging from the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste, to land use, forests, and biodiversity, companies are more and more concerned with meeting their environmental and social goals.

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Animal Art Sale

You will forever be inspired every time you look at your one-of-a-kind animal art! It is sure to be a conversation piece in your home or office, but your purchase will do so much more. You make it possible for us to continue our important conservation work and working with magnificent animals.

See Animal Art