In the fall of 2014, Wild Toledo began converting previously mowed lawn and abandoned lots to environmentally beneficial urban prairies, which save resources through reduction of mowing, improve rain water management and reduces runoff. These plantings also provide aesthetically pleasing habitat for important native species like birds and pollinators.
Wild Toledo has over 50 prairies installed throughout Northwest Ohio at all types of sites. Prairie installation and first year maintenance is included in our quoted prices. Future year prairie management is available for a small charge.
Seed Packets
Our custom seed packets include easy-to-grow species!
- Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) (25%)
- Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) (4%)
- Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) (20%)
- Lance-leaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) (12%)
- Smooth Blue Aster (Symphyotrichum laeve) (3%)
- Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) (8%)
- Side-oats Grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) (28%)
Pick up one of our seed packets at most zoo outreach events! Click here to purchase native plants to add to your garden.
Increases Pollinator Population
Decreases Carbon Dioxide
Reduces Runoff
Resting Spots for migratory birds
Reduces Upkeep
Food Source
Wild Toledo Plant Sales
Our Zoo-grown native plants add beauty and benefits to your landscape. Select the size, color, bloom time and more to fit your needs.
Project PRAIRIE extends our Wild Toledo prairie initiative into local classrooms by utilizing the flower installations as living labs.
Restricted in space or desire a more manicured look? A Native Landscape is for you! These areas still provide food, larval development and shelter for bees, butterflies and more, just on a smaller scale.
Leave the Leaves!
The Toledo Zoo is participating in the national Leave the Leaves campaign to provide habitat for overwintering pollinators and other invertebrates. Many native butterflies, bees and other important invertebrate species overwinter in the leaf litter. On top of creating great habitat, the leaves provide great mulch for our plants and will break down in the spring returning nutrients to the soil. Please consider joining us to protect native pollinators and Leave the Leaves!
Learn MorePrairie Partners

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